Thursday, August 28, 2014

Expect the Unexpected

Something Old, Something New...

For those of you who don't know me (which may be most of you), my life has took a dramatic change in route over the past couple of years. 

I was floating through college as a very independent, free-spirited, and hard-working student. My plans were clearly laid out for me - graduate college, go to grad school, find a job. Never in a million years did I plan on meeting "the one" until I was at least in my late 20's. If you told any of my friends freshman year of college that I would be the first to walk down the aisle, they would have laughed hysterically in disbelief. BUT THEN, the unexpected happened. I met this dashing soldier... I know, I know just another sappy love story (you can thank our best friend, Kara, who introduced us). 

I met Evan during his spring break of freshman year while at Kara's house - did I ever think for a second that Kara's best friend from home would become my HUSBAND?! No, no, no.

I have to include a picture of the 3 of us 
(Kara on the left, Evan in the middle, and I am on the right)

Needless to say, I fell for him, for the charming words, for the beautiful flowers, for the sweet notes, for the romantic dinners - yep, I was deeply in love. 

Yet, these lovey-dovey moments were rare and coveted times for us as is the case for most long-distance relationships. You see, Evan went to West Point USMA in New York, and I went to Grove City College in western Pennsylvania. Distance between our schools and many summers of military training kept us separated for months at a time. Then, there were those annoying weekends that he couldn't leave because of "SAMI" (Saturday morning room inspection), mandatory army football games, shortage of weekend passes, or another disappointing excuse that West Point concocted. In the summers, we were lucky if we had 2 weeks together - training details seemed to last forever.

THEN, like a flick of a switch, our senior year of college appeared. Where had the past 3 years gone?! 

It was August 31, 2013. I was driving home to Pittsburgh from Grove City College to go out to dinner with my parents on Mount Washington when the man of my dreams magically surprised me - kneeling down, holding the most breathtaking ring in his hands, and asking me that one question that every girl dreams about (and let me just say, one of the ONLY times I have ever been surprised in my lifetime).


OF COURSE, I said "YES!"

Wedding planning began immediately. Everything was going swimmingly - all decisions were being made so efficiently and effortlessly. I quickly checked the venue, the chapel, the wedding party, and the dress off my list and thought that my planning was done.

To my surprise, I was seriously mistaken... I suppose I was a bit naive, because I did not realize how much DETAIL went into planning a wedding. Thankfully, my mom is an absolute SAINT and tended to every little detail imaginable.

As I was taking the maximum amount of credits as a biology major, involved in a sorority, VP of Panhellenic counsel, and trying to balance friends, fiancé, and family - planning a wedding just about put me over the top. BUT, thanks to my God-sent mom, we pulled off a FAIRYTALE wedding.

I graduated, Evan graduated the following week, then we flew out to Aruba a day after his graduation with my family for a little relaxation before wedding time. Three weeks later, it was game time.

The weekend we had all been waiting for was FINALLY upon us.

I was with my favorite people all weekend - it was such a gift. I just have to say that I have the 9 BEST girlfriends in the world (and my darling momsie as well!). They all have been such instrumental and important parts of my life and I cannot imagine a day without each and every one of them. They're just the greatest. They stayed at my house all weekend, along with my dear Aunt CeCe. We feasted (which is an understatement if you know my mom's cooking at all), we cried from tears of laughter, we cried from tears of sadness, we walked down memory lane, we shared stories, we all just enjoyed our time together. I LOVE THESE GIRLS.

The rehearsal was early on Saturday morning. Was this real life?! We practiced, we practiced, we practiced, yet NO practice could have prepared me for the emotions that would flood into me the following day. 

I have never been a cryer - I never have and probably never will be. Despite my refusal to shed a tear that weekend, I cried at the rehearsal dinner as I was saying my thank you's to everyone. But how couldn't I?! I was so overwhelmed with all the love that filled the room. We have been so blessed with such irreplaceable family and friends. 

Lesson learned, girls, you WILL cry whether you want to or not. Expect it, embrace it.

Sunday June 29, 2014 arrived. We were getting MARRIED! Bride and groom. Husband and wife. Evan and I. We were getting M A R R I E D. Wow. I was going to be a WIFE? (I still am getting used to calling him my husband...)

I had SO MUCH FUN with everyone that day. I couldn't stop smiling...all of the pictures depict that without a doubt. Of all the moments during the day though, I will never forget the look on Evan's face as he first saw me walk down the aisle. I will forever have a snapshot of that look embedded into my mind - it was priceless.

Here is a video that Elisabeth and Nazari Dorosh made for us - they are  I N C R E D I B L E.

Kristen Wynn Photography took our proposal, engagement, and wedding pictures. I cannot say enough about how absolutely B E A U T I F U L her work is!

The whole entire day was like one big dream. I know everyone probably thinks this about their day, but our wedding was more than perfect in every way possible. 

Let me just share a glimpse of how smoothly the day went. 
They were calling for more than 60% chance of rain (which is no surprise in Pittsburgh) all day that Sunday. I kept PRAYING that my hair, makeup, and dress would be saved from the rain. We go to the hair salon. No rain. Go to the PAA. No rain. Getting ready inside - it starts torrentially DOWN-POURING outside as I'm looking out the window while stepping into my dress (everyone in the room tried to convince me that I was just seeing things, but I knew better). It's time for us to walk to the chapel. The sun appears. After the ceremony, the sun is still shining brightly as we take our pictures for 2 hours. We see the clouds hovering as the whole wedding party heads back to the PAA for the reception. I'm not even exaggerating as I say this - as soon as we all stepped foot inside the building, it begins absolutely POURING again outside. It was surreal.

Whether it be an unexpected man, an unexpected proposal, unexpected planning, unexpected tears, or even unexpected blessings, embrace the unexpected. My life is one crazy unexpected adventure and I love every second of it. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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